By Dave Diamond

Crushes,out  of  all  the people in the world I think that I`m qualified
enough to give some advice about what to do if you have them....or maybe

Over  the past few articles in the Amiga disk-magazine The Word,a writer
by  the name of D!ck has told us of his affection for UK celebrity Jenny

Could  I  have  started  off an abnormal trend here?  This is the second
person to write about a `imaginary life` with a celebrity!

D!ck,some advice...
Maybe I have this wrong and you just like Jenny because of her looks and
personality  etc,etc  and nothing else.  In other words you like her but
wouldn`t  go  so  far  to say you`d marry her in a second?  Whatever the
reasoning  behind  the  remarks in your articles,coming from someone who
would  have married Melissa Joan Hart in a heartbeat I`d say "look how I
turned out mate!"

Do  you  REALLY  want to develop into another Dave Diamond?  Someone who
cries  about  what could have been,someone who`s very life hangs on by a
thread because of the love I have for this woman?

Do  you  really  want to write dozens of articles (many of which will be
depressing to read) about your love for old Jenny?

D!ck  -  it`s  not  healthy  mate!   Get  out while you still can!  This
article  isn`t  a funny one you know,it`s just to cover up my insecurity
about loosing Melissa when I haven`t really found her!

Listen  to  me - I`m going CRAZY here!  I think the best thing we can do
is  to  hug and exchange chocolates while cuddling our Jen and Mel teddy
bears,hoping that, day our dreams will be realised.

The chocies are on their way....
